Canada Africa Business Council Inc.

The Canadian Council on Africa (CCAfrica) is the only Canadian organization dedicated to the economic development of Africa. It is a non-profit, membership-based organization established in 2002, the year of the Kananaskis G8 Summit, where the agenda included the development of a self-help plan for Africa.  CCAfrica focuses on the future of African economy and the positive role that Canada can play in meeting some of the challenges in Africa.

CCAfrica’s current members come from large, medium and small Canadian and African enterprises, education institutions such as universities and colleges, and agencies of the federal and provincial governments. With more than 150 active members in all sectors of the economy - infrastructure, education, legal, environmental, natural resources, energy, consulting engineering, construction, transportation, mining - and 4 offices across Canada- CCAfrica is essential when it comes to economic relations between Canada and Africa.

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