E.T.L Electronics

 After 17 years in the market, we are among an elite few long-established companies in the world to offer fleet management solutions. ETL Electronics, the company behind our Astus products, started out as the largest manufacturer of electronic anti-auto theft products in Canada, with over 400,000 installed ignition interlock systems. Always innovative, the business established itself among the first to offer fleet management solutions. Now, our customer-base of several thousand companies is spread over 3 continents.

We have built our reputation on our robust and innovative product offerings. Many of our clients have endured unfortunate experiences with competing offerings, and have found a product that meets and exceeds their expectations in Astus.
An Established Business
We offer our employees a stimulating environment and we get back full commitment and dedication. Our turnover rate of near zero and our relationships with long-standing customers are ringing and reassuring evidence of the quality of our management.
Growth and sustainability of ETL Electronics is mainly based on:
Dynamic R&D department, always on the lookout for changes in the market
Reliable and evolving solutions
Development of powerful and comprehensive software
Commitment to customer service quality
Manufacturing of electronic modules, housings, wires, as well as programming and quality control are accomplished locally. Our subcontractors must meet our strict quality and performance requirements.
This way of operating allows us great flexibility in the products we offer: we can customize the product you purchase to exactly suit your needs.

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