ERE Information Security Auditors

ERE Information Security Auditors: ERE provides extensive knowledge transfer

ERE IT security compliance auditors are information security compliance verification auditors. As an IT security auditor in Canada, we serve large and medium organizations across Canada, US, and Europe since 2000. The ERE IT security compliance auditing team has built client loyalty based upon the expertise of our certified security experts and upon our impartiality - ERE Security sells no hardware or software whatsoever.

Our IT security audit methodology encompasses cyber security auditing one time snapshots, 7 24 IT security auditing, and 7 24 security compliance audits. As an extension of 24 x 7 IT security monitoring we provide managed security services.

As a managed security service provider or MSSP our managed security services include operations for advanced firewalls, IDS, vulnerability scanning, and complete SIEM or Security and Event Management services.

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