FGT Consultants in Management, Education and Technology Inc.

FGT was founded in 1987, by the current President, Jean-Marie Fahmy, whose background in strategic planning, management by projects, administration, consulting, coaching, telecommunication implementing, guided the firm to amplify its expertise.

The FGT Team is personally dedicated to take you along your success. We support you in setting up a working approach, which aims to always meet your strategic demands as a team and projects. Through practical and active experience of its instructors, FGT will guide you, your team, your organization, to obtain fulfillment on your expected results, through a Training service, an escort by Coaching, or through a direct intervention and Consulting within your company.

Our clients can all testify they encountered a significant improvement in productivity thanks to their partnership with FGT.

FGT's mission is to help clients achieve their strategic goals by allowing to tame and use its Management by project approach.

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