IM Consulting

 IM Consulting is an Integrator Product Suites offered to Canadian Federal Government through the NMSO 

IM Consulting has the expertise to implement a researched solution that will meet the unique requirements of our customer's policies and procedures. We will insure adherence to SLAs for security, retention, longevity, authenticity, accessibility and recoverability in disaster. IM Consulting will provide the greenest innovative products and online services that will serve datacenters for government departments and agencies for years to come. 
IM Consulting provides InContinuum Cloud Services an innovative provider of cloud computing software that controls and automates your virtualized managed services and associated SLAs. 
IM Consulting is composed of dedicated Green IT Storage and Networking Professionals with the depth and knowledge to be a tremendous asset to meet tomorrow’s business challenges. The world’s ecological issues, impact our decisions to look forward as opposed to looking in the rear view mirror 
Our green consultants are among some of the finest and have adopted the need for change as tomorrow will not look like yesterday. Traditional data storage paths will not be sustainable as we moved from the industrial age to the information age. IM Consulting provides green innovative strategies to address the future which is now. 

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