Laiterie de Coaticook Ltée

 It was in 1608 that Champlain introduced the first dairy in New France. Raw milk quickly occupied an important place in the diet of the settlers.

The birth of big cities and the growing needs of the population brought great changes in the distribution of milk. In the 19th century a new economic activity in the country appeared; milk production dedicated to consumption. That's when the first qu'émergèrent milk processing establishments; small butter and cheese are created in all regions.

Marketing of milk and its derivatives is organized. Some butter and cheese is a dairy equip - where the milk is received and stored before distribution. It is this name "Milk" or "Dairy", which later became the official name of these companies.

Over time, the "dairy" begin to transfer their milk cans to bottles. They will develop larger equipment for washing containers and refrigerate milk, cream and butter.

It was in early 1900 that sees the first pasteurizers that allow milk to keep its main qualities of the farm to the table.

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