Measurand Inc.

What do Measurand Sensors do?

- Track shape and motion where cameras cannot see...
- The snap of a neck during a car crash
- The shape of a seat
- A complex curve for a car body design
- The motion of an athlete's knee
- The sweeping moves of a dancer
- Eddying currents of hot explosive gas
- A crumpling door just before the airbag deploys
- The position of a medical tool
- The shape of a spine
- Who needs these sensors?

- Auto companies designing safer and more comfortable cars
- Manufacturers improving efficiency of industrial processes
- Manufacturers of simulation and training systems
- Manufacturers of games and internet tools
- Aerospace designers and maintenance workers
- Remotely operated vehicle pilots
- Physicians and biomedical workers
- Rehabilitation clinics

How do Measurand Sensors work?

Cameras take in reflected light and form images. Measurand
sensors mimic the complex curves of human or inanimate bodies,
translating shape into electronic signals. Unlike cameras, they
do this directly on the objects, requiring no extra space,
focusing, or bright lights, and can move with the bodies,
translating even the fastest moves into computer images or
control signals. Measurand sensors do this with specially
treated optical fibers used not to send telephone and television
signals, but to sense curvature (bend and twist).

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