MNTC is one of the best Multinational diversified natural resource companies. The Group’s industrial and marketing activities are supported by a global network of more than  8 offices located in 7 countries including but not limited to Canada, China, Malaysia, Singapore, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, and Iraq. Our diversified operations comprise of 2 steel Manufacturing plant in the Middle East, and oil production refineries. We employ approximately 90 people, including contractors.

MNTC combines the knowledge gained through our own diversified range of commodities with the strength of our unique marketing capability. We value our background, experience and we're proud of the service and quality we offer to our customers. We have a diverse range of products, customers and markets, outstanding management and an enviable portfolio of development projects.

Project management is the application of Information skills, tools, and techniques to activities involved with a project in order to meet project needs. it can include  developing requirements, determining realistic goals, managing the triple constraint, and adapting the various plans as needed to achieve the goals of the project and stakeholders. Project management can start with selection of the suitable process associated with completing the work of the project. In addition, it can involve using an established methodology to align project and product requirements with the product specifications.

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