Newtrax Technologies

Founded in 2002, Newtrax Technologies Inc. is an employee owned company with headquarters in Montreal, Canada. The company's vision is to provide the most reliable, user friendly and cost effective solutions for monitoring, control, messaging and tracking in harsh environments without grid power outlets. Solutions provided by Newtrax are based on its advanced wireless mesh/FHSS networking protocol and RF-based motion and proximity sensor. Benefits include low installation costs of large networks, new applications in dynamic or hazardous environments where wires are not an option and range extension with multiple hops.

Vision: Safe, efficient and environmentally friendly mining of natural resources.

Mission: In collaboration with our application partners:

Provide early warnings of safety, health and environmental hazards

Optimize production via real-time operational intelligence

Accelerate rescue activities via post-accident communications and tracking

Values: Professional integrity, Teamwork, Global competitiveness and sustainability, Profitability for all stakeholders, Work-Life balance

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