Business Round Table

Entrepreneurs and small business owners join Business Round Table where they are placed in a group with about 10 others, carefully selected so there are no conflicts of interest. They sign a Confidentiality Contract promising never to disclose anything discussed within their group. Each group meets once a month for about three hours, following a structured format, and using the collective wisdom of the group, the members help each other solve problems, prevent mistakes and maximize their opportunities. They act as each other’s Personal Board of Directors.

Business Round Table started in Moncton twenty-three years ago. At present there are more than 100 members. There are 6 BRT groups in Moncton and 4 in Vancouver. Expansion plans are to take BRT right across Canada and throughout the USA. Franchises have been established in British Columbia and others are available. Expansion into the U.S.A. is now ready to roll-out. Membership is open to entrepreneurs (those who have a financial interest in a business and are involved in the management of it).

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